Women Equality in the World

Apr 16, 2024

As a society in the Western hemisphere, we have made strides in granting women rights that honor women as an equal being to men. While we no longer have to be married and abide by our husband’s totalitarian authority over property ownership, mental sanity, and monetary choices, we still have a ways to go to value the nature of women. One obvious example of this refers to the feminist movement that encourages higher representation of women in leadership positions in corporate America. Although it comes from a logical perspective, that women should also be decision-makers in businesses, it misconstrues the purpose of equality. A woman being equal to a man should mean having the same pay in a comparable position with a comparable background. It does not, however, mean to have equal representation in a career field ‘just because’ or equal responsibility to be drafted for the military.  People have varying strengths and weaknesses; women and men similarly have natural tendencies to excel in certain ways.

When we take a biased approach that deems certain characteristics worthy for a person, such as dominance, we lose the nuance of softer aspects that the feminine calls forth. There is a stronger call for women to better our world than 50% representation in executive leadership. If we understand the mindset of the Western hemisphere, where material gain is the ultimate barometer of someone’s success, it fills in the blanks of why we have deliberately misinterpreted equality. 

There is no question as to whether women can do well in business. That being said, there should be great scrutiny in how we measure success and equality of the sexes. From a biological perspective men are, for the most part, evenly producing and releasing hormones throughout the whole month. On the other hand, women go through cycles internally that fluctuate hormones in the body on a daily basis. Hormones affect emotions; emotions affect decisions. This fact alone suggests that in a leadership position, women will rule according to which part of their cycle they are in while men will approach work from the relatively same mindset any day of the given month. These should provoke some questions in the reader, a curiosity asking why equality is heavily promoted in areas dominated by men.

In order to acknowledge the deeper call for women from the collective, we must examine the cyclical nature of women. Feminine power is the strength of creation, chaos, and rebirth. The qualities women bring into the world, especially when bonded in sisterhood, are remarkable. Women lead the spiritual revolution of this world. As women’s role in society rises, we can step up to the plate of our domain versus elbowing ourselves into already established arenas.

This world yearns for women to lead movements that improve relationship dynamics, teaching men by example how to speak with compassion and kindness. If we interact with each other with gentleness, which the feminine represents, it builds a cocoon of safety for the masculine to be vulnerable. Equality requires men to support women being in their feminine and women to support men being in their masculine. By changing our mindset from chasing men’s version of success to exploring the mysticism women command, we raise the consciousness of our community.

Women who are aligned to their feminine powers typically dive in to heal childhood and generational traumas and experience liberation from it. The mental shackles dissipate and we clear the path for men to do the same. Cooperation rules over competition in the feminine domain; it is our innate reaction to lift a sister up. In our current weakened society, distrust and backstabbing exists. The greatest step towards equality women can take is personally becoming accountable for their soul’s healing. From an elevated perspective, interactions, business ideas, and action steps are connected to Divine Consciousness. As we view the world in its subtle energy form, we can learn to appreciate the feminine qualities for what they are and restore balance in the world. Equality is paramount in building a healed society and women can help with nurturing qualities in the world that the masculine lacks.


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